
This collection of 9 introductory postings will give you an idea of 
the scope, terminology, and approach used throughout Reality Check.

1 How would you like your life to be?

How would you like your life to be? Right here on the South Shore, a small group of people is working with a method of focused conversation called Reality Therapy, where questions of that sort are routinely asked…and answered!

Developed by Dr. William Glasser, M.D., a world-renowned psychiatrist and counselor, Reality Therapy has been used Continue reading →

2 What do you want?

Tell me what you want, what you really, really want…

Whenever you consider making a change, it’s helpful to first be clear about what you want! So whether Reality Therapy is used to improve a behaviour, a relationship, a workplace, or a classroom, Continue reading →

3 How do you choose behaviour, anyway?

You have to do this! You gotta do that! Does it feel like people are always making you do things? Do you find yourself doing things you don’t want to do because that’s the way it has to be? Do you see yourself behaving in ways you don’t like to be behaving, because that’s what a person should do? Where is your choice in all of this? Continue reading →

4 Do something differently with Total Behaviour

If you want something different than what you have, you’ll need to do something differently than what you’ve been doing. It’s not a radical idea, but have you noticed that it’s easier said than done? Continue reading →

5 Closer or Further? You Choose!

Good relationships form the basis of a satisfying life according to Dr. Glasser’s Choice Theory. Take a look at your own experience: Are you happier when you are getting along well with the people you care about? Or are you happier when there’s fussing and fighting? Continue reading →

6 When is Helping Helpful?

Bad things happen to good people. When those bad things are happening to someone you care about, it’s natural to want to help. You want to do something, so you offer advice.  However, sometimes your well-intentioned, extremely helpful, or even brilliant advice is ignored, rejected, or Continue reading →

7 What’s in Your Quality World?

“If only, if only… If only people would do as they should, if only the economy was better, if only things were different! Then, I could be happy and satisfied.” Do you ever think this way?

Yet others often share neither our outrages nor our joys. Where one person is distraught, others may be indifferent or even happy. Continue reading →

8 If you can’t always get what you want…

If you can’t always get what you want, can you at least get what you need? Does that question ever cross your mind? If you feel that you are not even getting what you need in your life, then the idea of getting what you want may Continue reading →

9 Choosing to satisfy your needs

We make choices all the time. Some decisions are important, with long-term consequences, such as, “Shall I tell my supervisor what I really think of her?” Others aren’t as critical, such as Continue reading →

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