Category Archives: Relationships

Reality Check: Real Relationships

Scams are everywhere and they often involve relationships. Why? People will sacrifice to help out friends or family. Some scammers exploit that loving, generous human quality by pretending to be someone they are not. There are so many ways to … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Nourishing Recognition

Distressing stories abound of people who lack the food they need to nourish their physical bodies. Well-meaning people may ask, “What can I do? Food deficiency is one example of scarcity. But there’s another area of scarcity where any of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Big Value of Small Talk

Choice Theory suggests that people need good relationships to have a satisfying life. For one person, a good relationship might mean constant contact, where you share not only hopes and dreams but also the struggles and joys of everyday life. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Relationship Mistakes

Charles Schulz, of Peanuts fame, said something along the lines of, “I thought I made a mistake once, but I was wrong.” Until a few minutes ago, I believed that joke had originated with my family. Then I checked. Sure … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Helpful and Unhelpful Conversations

People talk. We often take it for granted, but the fact that we are able to communicate really is one of the delights of being human. It enables us to learn, create, innovate, and express emotion. Our communication is not … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Ups and Downs of People Pleasing

Jo is upset. She would like to please her friend Maggie but if she does, she’ll end up unhappy with herself. Maggie is insisting that Jo spend essentially all of her free time with her. We all know that no … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Negotiating Differences in a Relationship

The seventh and final caring habit in Dr. Glasser’s list of caring habits is “always negotiating disagreements,” which I refer to as negotiating differences. It might seem odd to think of negotiations when we’re talking about personal relationships. Negotiating sounds … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Habit of Respect

If you’ve been following recent columns, you’ll know that I’ve been examining Dr. Glasser’s caring habits for building relationships, one at a time. To recap, those habits are: supporting, encouraging, listening, accepting, trusting, respecting, and negotiating differences. We’ve now come … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Role of Trust in Relationships

How trusting are you? If you heard yourself described as a trusting person, would you take that as positive or negative? Does trusting mean that you are gullible? My perception is that trust is a very good thing, in some … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Acceptance of Reality as a Caring Habit

Some people’s lives seem naturally filled with good, close relationships while others have a difficult time getting along with anyone. I certainly don’t have an easy answer for why these disparities exist. We only have control over some things. Thus, … Continue reading

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