Tag Archives: “should”

Reality Check: The Fear of Embarrassment

Many of us have an outstanding ability to find things to fear. Make no mistake, real threats exist, and the related fears can be useful. They tell us to pay attention; look out! However, there are also fears that don’t … Continue reading

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Reality Check: To Do What We Can

When I hung up the phone after a rather unsatisfying conversation with a company which shall remain nameless, I muttered to myself, “Well, at least I’ve done what I can.” Granted, this didn’t turn my situation into sunshine and roses. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What Does It Mean to Be Supportive?

The need for support seems to surround us. Perhaps you see the struggles of friends, family, or community members. There’s also media and social media telling us difficult stories of people around the world. The challenges vary. Problems with physical … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Have To? Or Get To?

The language we use makes a difference. We know that a poor choice of words can strain or even destroy a relationship. Likewise, an inspiring choice of words, especially when delivered in a stirring manner, can motivate people to try … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Ups and Downs of People Pleasing

Jo is upset. She would like to please her friend Maggie but if she does, she’ll end up unhappy with herself. Maggie is insisting that Jo spend essentially all of her free time with her. We all know that no … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What a Gift Can Do

Gift-giving occasions are so common that they can seem like an obligatory nuisance or, more cynically, a corporate effort to boost consumerism. However, a thoughtful gift can have a genuine impact. Giving a gift can show that you care. Yet … Continue reading

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Reality Check: When You Need To Say No

Somewhere, sometime, someone is going to ask you for something. They may ask for your time, your help, your money. You want to say “No.” There are many valid reasons to decline. Maybe you feel stretched too thin. Maybe you … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Is it Overwork? Or Discouragement?

If you’re feeling dissatisfied, can you put your finger on the cause? It might be harder than you’d think. For example, regardless of one’s stage in life, a common dissatisfaction is perceiving that one is overworked. Too much to do; … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Sharp Edge

Criticism is a double-edged sword, and that sword can have one very sharp edge. I say it’s “double-edged,” because some criticism may be intended to be helpful (referred to as “constructive criticism.”) More likely, however, criticism results in hurt rather … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Present Day

After an absence, we may pick up the strands of connection by asking, “How are you doing?” When I reconnected with Becca, who is well-versed in Dr. Glasser’s Choice Theory, I was pretty sure of an interesting answer. I was … Continue reading

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