Tag Archives: persistence

Reality Check: The Obstacle Course

There’s always something, isn’t there? Just when you think you’ve gotten more or less on top of things, some unexpected nuisance, or worse, pops up to demand attention. Like an incessant drum beat—one thing after another—adding to the pile of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Next Step, and the Next

Alfredo Aliaga Burdio broke a Guinness World Record last year as the oldest man to successfully complete the rim to rim Grand Canyon hike. The hike took him 21 hours over two days. He is 92 years old. Some of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Doing the Hard Thing

Tis the season! Christmas and New Year’s is a special time of the year. It’s a time of joy and goodwill, when family and friends get together to celebrate, indulge in good food, give gifts and share laughs. Strangers extend … Continue reading

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Reality Check: For the Hundredth Time

Are you persistent? Or are you stubborn? It takes wisdom to tell the difference between that positive attribute (persistence) and the negative one (stubbornness, also known as pig-headedness!) Let’s say we’re trying something new: perhaps it’s poetry-writing, cabinet-making, or Spanish-speaking. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Running for the Roses

It’s extraordinary when a little guy—an outsider—unexpectedly wins a big event. This year’s Kentucky Derby was notable for exactly that: a huge 80-1 win by Rich Strike, a horse that just the day before didn’t look like he was going … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Present Day

After an absence, we may pick up the strands of connection by asking, “How are you doing?” When I reconnected with Becca, who is well-versed in Dr. Glasser’s Choice Theory, I was pretty sure of an interesting answer. I was … Continue reading

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Reality Check: A New Year; A New System

It’s understandable that New Year’s resolutions get a bad rap. The inevitable February stories of people who’ve abandoned their resolutions sends a message of, “Why bother?” Regardless of the time of year, however, it’s worthwhile to think about what you … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Lessons from an Ice Cube

How’s your motivation? Are you full of get-up and go, with plans and actions to get to your goals? Or are you listless or discouraged, where “What’s the use” comes to mind? Which state would you prefer? And if one … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Encouragement of Youth

The recent passing of Prince Philip reminded me about the Duke of Edinburgh award, and that it’s important to encourage youth in positive directions. Encouragement—or a lack of encouragement—can make a significant difference for us, whether we are youthful or … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Companions on our Journey

If you associate Pythagoras with unhappy high-school math memories, then you might be surprised to find a quote attributed to him about friendship and happiness. Here it is: “Friends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each … Continue reading

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