Tag Archives: anxiety

Reality Check: The Fear of Embarrassment

Many of us have an outstanding ability to find things to fear. Make no mistake, real threats exist, and the related fears can be useful. They tell us to pay attention; look out! However, there are also fears that don’t … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Irrational Fears or Real Risks?

You may have heard that an increasing number of people are affected by anxiety, fears, worries of all kinds. If you’re not one of those people, count yourself fortunate! Some people are not worriers. Whether it’s a personality type or … Continue reading

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Reality Check: When “Don’t” Works

“Don’t” sounds like such a negative word, doesn’t it? Maybe that’s because it’s often used in commands, like “Don’t do that!” or “Don’t call me; I’ll call you.” It’s a word that shows up a lot when we try to … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Obstacle Course

There’s always something, isn’t there? Just when you think you’ve gotten more or less on top of things, some unexpected nuisance, or worse, pops up to demand attention. Like an incessant drum beat—one thing after another—adding to the pile of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What Comes In; What Goes Out

“Garbage in; garbage out” is a phrase I first heard during my early computer programming days. It’s a common-sense idea; if you put poor information into a system, poor results come out. Intuitively, we know it’s true. This doesn’t just … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Choosing Your Surroundings

It’s the dead of winter. Snow is falling, cold winds are blowing; there is ice wherever you want to walk. In the midst of this dull and often non-productive time, an amaryllis bulb that I’ve had for years is starting … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Butterfly’s Quandary

Recent snowfalls prompted me to look up some summer photos, reminders that not long ago, it was sunny, warm, and beautiful. And, it will be so again. Among those reminders was that of a butterfly who had gotten trapped in … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Even If…

Allen’s story is one that’s experienced in many families. His mother isn’t doing well. His dad is terrified by the inevitable changes that are coming. Allen has moved so he can be with his parents and take care of the … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Adventures in Embarrassment

Sarah has been invited to a party hosted by a well-to-do acquaintance. The invitation was so astonishing that she didn’t have time to think of an excuse to decline. Now she feels stuck and anxious. She won’t know anyone, but … Continue reading

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Reality Check: I Wonder…

Are you dealing with a challenging problem now? Do you see one coming up in the future? Or maybe you’ve recently resolved a problem. Problems are pretty common, so it’s not unusual to be in one of those boats at … Continue reading

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