Tag Archives: improving relationships

Reality Check: Real Relationships

Scams are everywhere and they often involve relationships. Why? People will sacrifice to help out friends or family. Some scammers exploit that loving, generous human quality by pretending to be someone they are not. There are so many ways to … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Nourishing Recognition

Distressing stories abound of people who lack the food they need to nourish their physical bodies. Well-meaning people may ask, “What can I do? Food deficiency is one example of scarcity. But there’s another area of scarcity where any of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Big Value of Small Talk

Choice Theory suggests that people need good relationships to have a satisfying life. For one person, a good relationship might mean constant contact, where you share not only hopes and dreams but also the struggles and joys of everyday life. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Power of Presence

We have so many options in how we can communicate. There’s phone, text, video chat, email, interactions on social media sites.…We could even write a letter! One could easily get the impression that we run the risk of too much … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Love Knot

In skilled hands, two pieces of rope can be manipulated in such a way that they resemble a pair of intertwined hearts. This is known as a love knot. Romantic, isn’t it? A story told by E. Annie Proulx in … Continue reading

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Reality Check: She Said “Thank You”!

On a recent shopping trip, I witnessed something so remarkable that it’s stuck with me for days. “What could that be?” you might ask. The line-up to the young cashier’s till wasn’t very long, so it was easy to see … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Relationship Mistakes

Charles Schulz, of Peanuts fame, said something along the lines of, “I thought I made a mistake once, but I was wrong.” Until a few minutes ago, I believed that joke had originated with my family. Then I checked. Sure … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Kindness of Etiquette

If the name “Miss Manners” is familiar to you, that says something about your interests. And possibly, your age. And my age, for that matter. No matter. Here’s a little background, in case Miss Manners is new to you. Decades … Continue reading

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Reality Check: How Do You Know You’ve Understood?

Do you ever feel misunderstood? I’ll hazard a guess that the answer is “yes.” If that’s true, then it’s also likely that other people feel misunderstood, too. Why? One answer is that some communication methods are more effective than others. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: I Wonder…

Are you dealing with a challenging problem now? Do you see one coming up in the future? Or maybe you’ve recently resolved a problem. Problems are pretty common, so it’s not unusual to be in one of those boats at … Continue reading

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