Tag Archives: examining options

Reality Check: Irrational Fears or Real Risks?

You may have heard that an increasing number of people are affected by anxiety, fears, worries of all kinds. If you’re not one of those people, count yourself fortunate! Some people are not worriers. Whether it’s a personality type or … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Many Ways to Serve

Knowing that one has found their purpose in life is important for many people, including, or perhaps especially, for young people. Many of those who wish to live a life of purpose focus on service. If you look at service … Continue reading

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Reality Check: I Never Looked at “No” That Way

If we make a habit of seeking out information, we may occasionally find something that prompts us to think, “Huh! I never looked at it that way.” This came to my mind recently when I read an article by James … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Placing the Big Rock First

Like many others at this time, I’m taking down the Christmas tree and packing away decorations. Among them are a set of straw ornaments of various shapes; I enjoy them particularly for their non-breakable quality. They go into their matching … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Butterfly’s Quandary

Recent snowfalls prompted me to look up some summer photos, reminders that not long ago, it was sunny, warm, and beautiful. And, it will be so again. Among those reminders was that of a butterfly who had gotten trapped in … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Relationship Mistakes

Charles Schulz, of Peanuts fame, said something along the lines of, “I thought I made a mistake once, but I was wrong.” Until a few minutes ago, I believed that joke had originated with my family. Then I checked. Sure … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Kindness of Etiquette

If the name “Miss Manners” is familiar to you, that says something about your interests. And possibly, your age. And my age, for that matter. No matter. Here’s a little background, in case Miss Manners is new to you. Decades … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Reboot Solution

Every so often, one of my gadgets starts acting up. If you have gadgets: TV, computer, tablet, phone, etc. you know the drill. All is well; then suddenly for no apparent reason, all is not well. Annoying, isn’t it? But … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Naming Names

The previous post about head-banging (and how we might avoid it), has encouraged me to look further at communications. If we deliberately choose how we communicate, might that help with everyday problems? Everyone has difficulties that have to be dealt … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Do You Have a Happiness Sweet Spot?

When Goldilocks visited the three bears, she did a couple of experiments before she found the bowl of porridge that was not too hot and not too cold. She looked for the “just right” sweet spot for porridge. The idea … Continue reading

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