Tag Archives: worry

Reality Check: The Fear of Embarrassment

Many of us have an outstanding ability to find things to fear. Make no mistake, real threats exist, and the related fears can be useful. They tell us to pay attention; look out! However, there are also fears that don’t … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Obstacle Course

There’s always something, isn’t there? Just when you think you’ve gotten more or less on top of things, some unexpected nuisance, or worse, pops up to demand attention. Like an incessant drum beat—one thing after another—adding to the pile of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Butterfly’s Quandary

Recent snowfalls prompted me to look up some summer photos, reminders that not long ago, it was sunny, warm, and beautiful. And, it will be so again. Among those reminders was that of a butterfly who had gotten trapped in … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Fear or Excitement?

Do you live with a feeling of fear? Or maybe you call it dread, anxiety, or worry. It’s a troubling feeling, no matter which name we use. Our fears may be valid. There’s plenty to worry about. And it’s surprisingly … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Choosing Respect in Times of Turmoil

From your perspective, is the world in a state of turmoil? And if you do believe that these are unusually troubled times, does that belief affect how you live your life? The world can seem very small. Communications that used … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Trapped by Thoughts? Here’s a Suggestion

No time to think? Feel that you can’t stop what you’re doing for one minute? People are depending on you. Things must be done; we can think later. If that’s your perception, you know it’s hard to stop, step back … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Past and Future Worries

“One trip through the misery is more than enough for most people.” That’s a quote from Dr. Wm. Glasser where he discusses the value—or lack of value—of dwelling on past miseries. The past is over. We can’t change what we … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Wrong Number

The voice mail that I’d received was not intended for me. The caller had simply dialled the wrong number. But the message struck a chord: The voice of a frightened older woman, saying that Revenue Canada is “after” her and … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Compartments for Life

One stunningly beautiful day recently, I noticed that I wasn’t fully appreciating the warmth and the beauty. Instead, I was ruminating. The thoughts popping into my head all had to do with concerns and difficulties. Have you noticed that yourself? … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Fear of Forgetfulness

Are you feeling forgetful? If so, you are not alone. I’d been under the impression that it’s the “seasoned citizen” demographic who is most aware of the forgetfulness issue. So I was surprised during a recent e-learning session when the … Continue reading

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