Tag Archives: choosing influences

Reality Check: Does Optimism Make a Difference?

Does optimism make a difference? That is, a positive difference? Or is optimism only for the naive and easily-led, those folks who aren’t wise enough to understand how really bad and awful and disastrous everything is? If you’ve been reading … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Blue Zones

If you were making a list of what you want most of all, you might include “a long, healthy life” on that list. You wouldn’t be alone. Considering that attempts to find the “fountain of youth” date back centuries, we … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Many Ways to Serve

Knowing that one has found their purpose in life is important for many people, including, or perhaps especially, for young people. Many of those who wish to live a life of purpose focus on service. If you look at service … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What Comes In; What Goes Out

“Garbage in; garbage out” is a phrase I first heard during my early computer programming days. It’s a common-sense idea; if you put poor information into a system, poor results come out. Intuitively, we know it’s true. This doesn’t just … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Choosing Your Surroundings

It’s the dead of winter. Snow is falling, cold winds are blowing; there is ice wherever you want to walk. In the midst of this dull and often non-productive time, an amaryllis bulb that I’ve had for years is starting … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Positive Peer Pressure

I’ve organized my desk! Well, technically, that’s not true. I haven’t organized it. Yet. However, my friend Emma has organized her desk, and is delighted with the result. She can now find her stamps, labels, scissors, stapler and that hole-punch … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Legacy and Contribution

What comes to your mind when you hear the words, “leaving a legacy”? Legacy is often interpreted as a monetary gift, but for Stephen Covey, the concept of legacy is broader than money. Covey, famous for “The 7 Habits of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Stories of Hope

In a parking lot the other day, I was approached by a young woman we’ll call Libby. I’d known her years ago, and it was a delight to see her and catch up. Her story was brimming with positives. A … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Do You Have a Happiness Sweet Spot?

When Goldilocks visited the three bears, she did a couple of experiments before she found the bowl of porridge that was not too hot and not too cold. She looked for the “just right” sweet spot for porridge. The idea … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Does Time Fly?

Wow! It’s mid-summer already! How did that happen? It seems like just a few minutes ago, we were scraping snow off the walkways. Time goes so quickly, day after day, week upon week, with whole months, even years, flying by. … Continue reading

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