Tag Archives: making choices

Reality Check: To Do What We Can

When I hung up the phone after a rather unsatisfying conversation with a company which shall remain nameless, I muttered to myself, “Well, at least I’ve done what I can.” Granted, this didn’t turn my situation into sunshine and roses. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Choosing Our Perceptions

Would your life be different if you could control your emotions? You could decide, “I’m choosing to be happy, confident, optimistic!” Or, “I’m choosing to be angry, anxious, resentful.” Either way, with this power, you’d have control over how you … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Price of a Mistake

How do you make decisions? Perhaps you use a process, such as: start by collecting information, discuss the issue with people you trust, then weigh pros and cons, and finally, based on logic and due diligence, you decide! If you … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What We Can Learn From Our Decisions

While all of us make decisions, some of us approach decision-making with more enthusiasm than others. Some folks love having choices and no matter what they choose, seem to spend nary a second in self-doubt. Then there are the rest … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Do You Have a Happiness Sweet Spot?

When Goldilocks visited the three bears, she did a couple of experiments before she found the bowl of porridge that was not too hot and not too cold. She looked for the “just right” sweet spot for porridge. The idea … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Having Trouble Getting Started?

Wait, delay, and put it off. For some people, procrastination is practically an identity, as in, “I’ve always been a procrastinator and that’s just who I am.” This is fine, until it’s not. Putting off can ultimately result in poor … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Ups and Downs of People Pleasing

Jo is upset. She would like to please her friend Maggie but if she does, she’ll end up unhappy with herself. Maggie is insisting that Jo spend essentially all of her free time with her. We all know that no … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Make Something Good Happen

The transition from one year to the next often motivates us to make a change, preferably for the better. Maybe you want to set out on a new adventure or improve a relationship. Holidays often include opportunities to get together. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: When You Need To Say No

Somewhere, sometime, someone is going to ask you for something. They may ask for your time, your help, your money. You want to say “No.” There are many valid reasons to decline. Maybe you feel stretched too thin. Maybe you … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Reality of Tradeoffs

Choices often require tradeoffs—we give up one thing to have another. We do this so frequently that we’re often not aware of it. For example, if you’ve driven around today, then you made a tradeoff. You traded off the safety … Continue reading

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