Tag Archives: choosing actions

Reality Check: To Do What We Can

When I hung up the phone after a rather unsatisfying conversation with a company which shall remain nameless, I muttered to myself, “Well, at least I’ve done what I can.” Granted, this didn’t turn my situation into sunshine and roses. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What Does It Mean to Be Supportive?

The need for support seems to surround us. Perhaps you see the struggles of friends, family, or community members. There’s also media and social media telling us difficult stories of people around the world. The challenges vary. Problems with physical … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Blue Zones

If you were making a list of what you want most of all, you might include “a long, healthy life” on that list. You wouldn’t be alone. Considering that attempts to find the “fountain of youth” date back centuries, we … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Power of Presence

We have so many options in how we can communicate. There’s phone, text, video chat, email, interactions on social media sites.…We could even write a letter! One could easily get the impression that we run the risk of too much … Continue reading

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Reality Check: One Suggestion

Do you look forward to each day with optimism? Or do you anticipate it with dread? Maybe you’re thinking, “There’s no point in either worrying or anticipating; it will be what it will be.” Here’s a bigger question: Does your … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Many Ways to Serve

Knowing that one has found their purpose in life is important for many people, including, or perhaps especially, for young people. Many of those who wish to live a life of purpose focus on service. If you look at service … Continue reading

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Reality Check: I Never Looked at “No” That Way

If we make a habit of seeking out information, we may occasionally find something that prompts us to think, “Huh! I never looked at it that way.” This came to my mind recently when I read an article by James … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Next Step, and the Next

Alfredo Aliaga Burdio broke a Guinness World Record last year as the oldest man to successfully complete the rim to rim Grand Canyon hike. The hike took him 21 hours over two days. He is 92 years old. Some of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Placing the Big Rock First

Like many others at this time, I’m taking down the Christmas tree and packing away decorations. Among them are a set of straw ornaments of various shapes; I enjoy them particularly for their non-breakable quality. They go into their matching … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Doing the Hard Thing

Tis the season! Christmas and New Year’s is a special time of the year. It’s a time of joy and goodwill, when family and friends get together to celebrate, indulge in good food, give gifts and share laughs. Strangers extend … Continue reading

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