Tag Archives: discouragement

Reality Check: Have You Had a Laugh Today?

There are times when laughter may be the furthest thing from our minds. We are, after all, mature responsible adults. We need to be sensible, serious, and handle things. We may not see much room or opportunity for the frivolity … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Choosing Your Surroundings

It’s the dead of winter. Snow is falling, cold winds are blowing; there is ice wherever you want to walk. In the midst of this dull and often non-productive time, an amaryllis bulb that I’ve had for years is starting … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Doing the Hard Thing

Tis the season! Christmas and New Year’s is a special time of the year. It’s a time of joy and goodwill, when family and friends get together to celebrate, indulge in good food, give gifts and share laughs. Strangers extend … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Even If…

Allen’s story is one that’s experienced in many families. His mother isn’t doing well. His dad is terrified by the inevitable changes that are coming. Allen has moved so he can be with his parents and take care of the … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Fast or Slow?

As I was working on a project that hasn’t been proceeding as quickly and smoothly as I would like, I received an emailed newsletter. Now, here’s something that both you and I know about work. When doing a task that … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Gifts and Earned Successes

For some folks, a favourite activity is comparing themselves with others. Who has the best car? The nicer house? The most friends on facebook? Keeping score can pass the time, but I don’t believe that it helps make one’s life … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Is it Overwork? Or Discouragement?

If you’re feeling dissatisfied, can you put your finger on the cause? It might be harder than you’d think. For example, regardless of one’s stage in life, a common dissatisfaction is perceiving that one is overworked. Too much to do; … Continue reading

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Reality Check: For the Hundredth Time

Are you persistent? Or are you stubborn? It takes wisdom to tell the difference between that positive attribute (persistence) and the negative one (stubbornness, also known as pig-headedness!) Let’s say we’re trying something new: perhaps it’s poetry-writing, cabinet-making, or Spanish-speaking. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Baggage Handling

When we’re young and excited about accumulating stuff, it’s hard to imagine that someday, we’ll view those once-precious objects that we struggled to acquire as just taking up space. The more room we have for stuff, the more stuff we … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The “En” and “Dis” of Courage

In Take Charge of Your Life, Dr. William Glasser lists seven relationship-building habits. One of those habits—encouragement—has popped up in these columns numerous times over the years. Notice how “en-courage” and “dis-courage” both involve “courage.” One increases courage; the other … Continue reading

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