Tag Archives: dissatisfaction

Reality Check: Have You Had a Laugh Today?

There are times when laughter may be the furthest thing from our minds. We are, after all, mature responsible adults. We need to be sensible, serious, and handle things. We may not see much room or opportunity for the frivolity … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Are You Afraid That You’re Missing Out?

The phrase “fear of missing out” is so well-known that it has its own acronym: FOMO. Don’t fret if you hadn’t heard that before. You didn’t miss out on anything. Not really. However, if you’re a person who hates to … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Ups and Downs of People Pleasing

Jo is upset. She would like to please her friend Maggie but if she does, she’ll end up unhappy with herself. Maggie is insisting that Jo spend essentially all of her free time with her. We all know that no … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Make Something Good Happen

The transition from one year to the next often motivates us to make a change, preferably for the better. Maybe you want to set out on a new adventure or improve a relationship. Holidays often include opportunities to get together. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Dissatisfied But Not Sure Why?

Do you ever feel out of sorts? When you have a sense that things are not right, but you can’t quite put a finger on exactly what’s wrong? An explanation that often pops up now is “the virus.” Everything seems … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Tension

In his book, Counseling with Choice Theory, Dr. Wm. Glasser describes his first meeting with a guy he calls Jerry. When Jerry walked into Glasser’s office for their first session, he avoided walking on the lines in the carpet. Then … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Essence of Home

What makes a house a home? You’ve seen the decorative signs that say home is where the heart is or that love makes a house a home. What does that really mean? Feeling that we are loved is one of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Both Sides True

When we have a disagreement, whether with an individual or a whole group of people, it’s common to think uncharitable thoughts about those on the other side. After all, it goes without saying that we are correct on the issue. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: To Grow Accountability

I have many good intentions. Perhaps you do, too! Those intentions include plans for what I will do for others as well as what I need or want to do for myself. They range from lofty to mundane; from developing … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What we choose to want

We do a lot of comparing, don’t we? In Choice Theory, Dr. Glasser even talks about a “comparing place” in our brains. He uses the image of a balance scale; on one side sits what we want and on the … Continue reading

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