Tag Archives: reality

Reality Check: Real Relationships

Scams are everywhere and they often involve relationships. Why? People will sacrifice to help out friends or family. Some scammers exploit that loving, generous human quality by pretending to be someone they are not. There are so many ways to … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Patience and Purpose

“Your call is important to us.” While waiting on the phone, listening to horrible music occasionally interrupted by that non-reassuring message, I had the gift of time to think about patience. You may have opportunities to think about patience, too. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Dissatisfied But Not Sure Why?

Do you ever feel out of sorts? When you have a sense that things are not right, but you can’t quite put a finger on exactly what’s wrong? An explanation that often pops up now is “the virus.” Everything seems … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Realistic and Attainable

It’s difficult to travel now, as you well know. So when Anna got the call that her grandfather was nearing the end of his life, it presented a real quandary. Should she pack up and set off to be with … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Perfection Trap

How do you feel about this statement: “If I can’t do something perfectly, I may as well not do it at all”? While different people have different attitudes toward perfection, there are some situations where perfect accomplishment is what we … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Ready or Not?

Many of us have daily rituals. Some folks check their horoscope, check facebook, or listen to the birthday greetings on the radio. I have my coffee; check my email, and read today’s quote from my book of Stephen Covey’s daily … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Stories We Tell

When you roll out of bed in the morning, do you tell yourself, “Today is going to be an amazing day!”? Or is your first thought closer to, “Ugghh. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this day.” … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Goals and the Posts That Define Them

The Reality Therapy approach, as structured by Dr. Robert Wubbolding, starts with a fundamental question: “What do you want?” For many, those wants include benefits for others. For example, I want career success for people I’ve worked with. There’s a … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Helping Professions

Many people have a genuine wish to be helpful; that is, to take actions that are of service to others. Wanting to help is a fine aspiration. To be of service benefits both the helper and those who are helped. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: An Attitude About Forgetting

Last post, I used a personal example to discuss the challenge of forgetfulness. I had devoted considerable time learning how to use a piece of software. But by the time I needed to use that knowledge, it seemed that all … Continue reading

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