Tag Archives: encouragement

Reality Check: Nourishing Recognition

Distressing stories abound of people who lack the food they need to nourish their physical bodies. Well-meaning people may ask, “What can I do? Food deficiency is one example of scarcity. But there’s another area of scarcity where any of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Does Optimism Make a Difference?

Does optimism make a difference? That is, a positive difference? Or is optimism only for the naive and easily-led, those folks who aren’t wise enough to understand how really bad and awful and disastrous everything is? If you’ve been reading … Continue reading

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Reality Check: One Suggestion

Do you look forward to each day with optimism? Or do you anticipate it with dread? Maybe you’re thinking, “There’s no point in either worrying or anticipating; it will be what it will be.” Here’s a bigger question: Does your … Continue reading

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Reality Check: She Said “Thank You”!

On a recent shopping trip, I witnessed something so remarkable that it’s stuck with me for days. “What could that be?” you might ask. The line-up to the young cashier’s till wasn’t very long, so it was easy to see … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Messages That Matter

Have you ever received feedback that you didn’t want to hear? Yet, once you’ve heard it, you realize that even though it’s painful, it’s true. When someone we love and trust points out that our actions are leading us in … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Legacy and Contribution

What comes to your mind when you hear the words, “leaving a legacy”? Legacy is often interpreted as a monetary gift, but for Stephen Covey, the concept of legacy is broader than money. Covey, famous for “The 7 Habits of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Thanksgiving Reminder

As I was standing behind the fine young plumber scrunched up under the sink, I joked, “I’m not really hovering over you; I’m just here for moral support.” His response came as a surprise. Thoughtfully, seriously, he responded, “Everyone can … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Fast or Slow?

As I was working on a project that hasn’t been proceeding as quickly and smoothly as I would like, I received an emailed newsletter. Now, here’s something that both you and I know about work. When doing a task that … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Stories of Hope

In a parking lot the other day, I was approached by a young woman we’ll call Libby. I’d known her years ago, and it was a delight to see her and catch up. Her story was brimming with positives. A … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Caring Habit of Listening

We have many kinds of relationships. Some we choose, such as with our friends. Others are created through work, volunteering, or other connections. All of our relationships may not be chosen, but they can still be cooperative and functional. In … Continue reading

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