Tag Archives: helpful

Reality Check: Nourishing Recognition

Distressing stories abound of people who lack the food they need to nourish their physical bodies. Well-meaning people may ask, “What can I do? Food deficiency is one example of scarcity. But there’s another area of scarcity where any of … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What Does It Mean to Be Supportive?

The need for support seems to surround us. Perhaps you see the struggles of friends, family, or community members. There’s also media and social media telling us difficult stories of people around the world. The challenges vary. Problems with physical … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Technology, For Better or Worse?

If you ever have conversations about “the way things are going,” it’s likely that the topic of technology has popped up. Technology plays a big role in our lives. Even if you don’t use tech devices yourself, the fact that … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Effect of Small Encouragements

Vera is a seasoned citizen, and like every other grown-up, she’s becoming more seasoned by the day! Because she wants this phase of her life be as positive and productive as possible, she’s adopted various practices. Her plan is to … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Lost for Words?

Some people instinctively know the right thing to say in difficult situations. And then there are the rest of us; we who struggle to find words when the going gets tough. Sadness, illness or loss will likely visit us and … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Wrong Number

The voice mail that I’d received was not intended for me. The caller had simply dialled the wrong number. But the message struck a chord: The voice of a frightened older woman, saying that Revenue Canada is “after” her and … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What does it mean to be strong?

When people face difficulties, observations are often made about the strength of those who are suffering. It is admirable to be strong in the face of adversity. Strength is also beneficial for a helper who wants to support others through … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Adding Value

In the world of work, adding value is what you need to do if you want to keep your customers. Whether you are making a product or delivering a service, people only want to pay for value, don’t they? Customers … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Should I Tell My Story?

We could look at our lives as a series of stories. Sometimes we share those stories with others. That story-telling can be helpful, both for the teller and the listener. Some of our stories are happy ones. Those are the … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Above and Beyond

You can tell when you’re dealing with someone who goes above and beyond. It’s the store clerk who not only asks if you’ve found what you’re looking for, but who makes sure that it meets your needs. It’s the person … Continue reading

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