Tag Archives: self-evaluation

Reality Check: What Does It Mean to Be Supportive?

The need for support seems to surround us. Perhaps you see the struggles of friends, family, or community members. There’s also media and social media telling us difficult stories of people around the world. The challenges vary. Problems with physical … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Price of a Mistake

How do you make decisions? Perhaps you use a process, such as: start by collecting information, discuss the issue with people you trust, then weigh pros and cons, and finally, based on logic and due diligence, you decide! If you … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What We Can Learn From Our Decisions

While all of us make decisions, some of us approach decision-making with more enthusiasm than others. Some folks love having choices and no matter what they choose, seem to spend nary a second in self-doubt. Then there are the rest … Continue reading

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Reality Check: How Did It Go?

It’s common practice to take stock at the end of the year. How did the past year pan out for you? Do you see that you’ve made progress since the year began? Or does it feel like you’re sliding backward, … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Butterfly’s Quandary

Recent snowfalls prompted me to look up some summer photos, reminders that not long ago, it was sunny, warm, and beautiful. And, it will be so again. Among those reminders was that of a butterfly who had gotten trapped in … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Quest For What You Want

What do you want? Is that a question worth thinking about? Some believe it’s selfish to think about what we want. Others see it as futile; if you believe you can’t get what you want, why bother asking? Yet “wants” … Continue reading

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Reality Check: For the Hundredth Time

Are you persistent? Or are you stubborn? It takes wisdom to tell the difference between that positive attribute (persistence) and the negative one (stubbornness, also known as pig-headedness!) Let’s say we’re trying something new: perhaps it’s poetry-writing, cabinet-making, or Spanish-speaking. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Past and Future Worries

“One trip through the misery is more than enough for most people.” That’s a quote from Dr. Wm. Glasser where he discusses the value—or lack of value—of dwelling on past miseries. The past is over. We can’t change what we … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Pep Talk

Could you use a pep talk? When you look around, does it seem that everyone is in festive spirits but you? Whether you are having life-changing struggles or just feeling vaguely uneasy, you may have days when it’s hard to … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Spinning Our Wheels

One of the rare Choice Theory-related books that I don’t have is entitled Stop Spinning Your Wheels. As I thought I might indulge in a gift to myself, I went browsing for it. That browsing reminded me that the idea … Continue reading

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