Tag Archives: offering information

Reality Check: The Love Knot

In skilled hands, two pieces of rope can be manipulated in such a way that they resemble a pair of intertwined hearts. This is known as a love knot. Romantic, isn’t it? A story told by E. Annie Proulx in … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Colouring Our Outlook

Do you ever feel that many situations in your life are random, where you can’t pin down a reason for why they happen? Even if the events are good, when we can’t find causes, life can seem out of control. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Messages That Matter

Have you ever received feedback that you didn’t want to hear? Yet, once you’ve heard it, you realize that even though it’s painful, it’s true. When someone we love and trust points out that our actions are leading us in … Continue reading

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Reality Check: How Do You Know You’ve Understood?

Do you ever feel misunderstood? I’ll hazard a guess that the answer is “yes.” If that’s true, then it’s also likely that other people feel misunderstood, too. Why? One answer is that some communication methods are more effective than others. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Helpful and Unhelpful Conversations

People talk. We often take it for granted, but the fact that we are able to communicate really is one of the delights of being human. It enables us to learn, create, innovate, and express emotion. Our communication is not … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Instead of Head-Banging…

You may have heard that “customer service ain’t what it used to be.” This may be true. While I’m not convinced that poor service is universal, I’ve certainly heard anecdotes that indicate appalling lack of care. It’s enough to make … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Would You Listen to Yourself?

For this post, I’ve chosen the headline, “Would you listen to yourself?” This simple question could be perceived quite differently by different people. What do you think it means? Some folks would interpret it as an expression of exasperation. Even … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The “En” and “Dis” of Courage

In Take Charge of Your Life, Dr. William Glasser lists seven relationship-building habits. One of those habits—encouragement—has popped up in these columns numerous times over the years. Notice how “en-courage” and “dis-courage” both involve “courage.” One increases courage; the other … Continue reading

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Reality Check: A Change of Mind

Like me, I suspect that you sometimes change your mind about small things. For example, you were going to have chicken but Johnny said, “The fish is really good here,” so you changed your mind. Johnny’s comment is new information. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Sharp Edge

Criticism is a double-edged sword, and that sword can have one very sharp edge. I say it’s “double-edged,” because some criticism may be intended to be helpful (referred to as “constructive criticism.”) More likely, however, criticism results in hurt rather … Continue reading

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