Tag Archives: offering information

Reality Check: Fables and Values

What values guide your life? Where did your values come from? When I refer to values, I’m thinking of qualities such as loyalty, trustworthiness, prudence, generosity, perseverance, compassion, respect, work. There are many more. My curiosity about values was inspired … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Adapting, Changing, and Getting Along

Change. Does it seem to you that we’ve been experiencing constant change? Both the viral disease and responses to the threat of that disease have brought changes that affect millions of people. Into this ever-changing environment now comes what? More … Continue reading

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Reality Check: When We Share Stories

Our culture includes so many forms of story-sharing. There are documentaries, movies, books, TED talks, and so on. We share stories of difficulties, actions, triumphs and disasters, both truth and fiction. Do you share stories of your life? Do you … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Wrong Number

The voice mail that I’d received was not intended for me. The caller had simply dialled the wrong number. But the message struck a chord: The voice of a frightened older woman, saying that Revenue Canada is “after” her and … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Should I Tell My Story?

We could look at our lives as a series of stories. Sometimes we share those stories with others. That story-telling can be helpful, both for the teller and the listener. Some of our stories are happy ones. Those are the … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Providing Information

“Other people can neither make us miserable nor make us happy. All we can get from them or give to them is information.” At least, that’s what Dr. Wm. Glasser says in Choice Theory. We exchange all kinds of information. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: When Kids Get Scared

Choice Theory and Reality Therapy has touched people all around the world. The pandemic has also touched people all over the world, mentally as well as physically. Understanding Choice Theory could be more helpful now than ever. In Australia some … Continue reading

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Reality Check: When we don’t like our advice

Advice is plentiful, whether we look for it or not. What to eat, where to live, how to act; you can find someone, somewhere, ready to offer their opinion. How do you respond to advice that you don’t like? When … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Compassion of Listening

If you have an active imagination, you may have a conversation going on in your head right now while you’re reading this. Perhaps you are arguing with yourself over whether you should have said that thing you said to your … Continue reading

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Reality Check: What we say; What they hear

Have you ever walked away from a conversation shaking your head and wondering, “What was that all about?” Do you ever perceive that people you talk to are overly sensitive, resentful, or easily offended? Having a conversation that’s a true … Continue reading

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