Reality Check: The Things That Are Working

As the grey days of winter set in, spirits can turn grey too. Winter is coming; will it be a hard one or an easy one? Predictions aren’t perfect, but it’s safe to say it’ll get colder and there will probably be snow!
Focusing on the future is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it helps us prepare. We can gather warm clothes before the days get cold; stock supplies in case the power goes out. Planning ahead is a practical life strategy.
However, a future focus can also feed uncertainty and dread.
It’s hard to muster trust that things will be ok if we are hearing, “Things are not going to be ok!” Bad things do happen; you’ve probably experienced that at some point.
If we concentrate on those fear-inducing things that aren’t working, especially the many that are beyond our control, we may wonder, “What’s the use?”
There can be a tendency to take for granted or ignore the things that are working well. Like the smudge in the middle of a newly painted wall, we see that imperfect spot, ignoring the perfect expanse of the rest. I’m not suggesting there is no benefit to seeing opportunities for improvement; it’s one of the motivators for improvement.
How we look makes a difference in what we see. When I look for things that are good, hopeful, beneficial, I can find them. On the other hand, if I look though a lens of, “Everything is awful and getting worse” I can find evidence to support that.
Which makes life better? Not just our own lives, but also the people around us, and society in general. You can draw your own conclusions.
If you do choose to give the hopeful focus a try, you may find that it’s hard to do. It’s especially difficult when surrounded by people and news of current events that reinforce the many unhopeful possibilities.
Here’s the suggestion. Deliberately look for the things that are working.
Now you may be thinking, my wall is more smudges and specks than perfection! Yes, that may be quite true. The suggestion is to deliberately turn your focus toward the good, the functional, the beautiful.
Look around. What, right now, is working? You can read; you can think. These are not small things. What else? Think about people; maybe you have a family member who loves you. Perhaps you have a good friend. Maybe you woke up in a warm dry place.
Perhaps you have the freedom to move, to have some fun, or to sit quietly if that is what you prefer. Perhaps your whole body doesn’t ache (just parts of it.) Maybe you can do useful work or have the ability to be helpful to yourself and others. Those are just a few examples of things that you might find that are working right now.
Where we focus makes a difference in how we choose to act. When we recognize the reality that there are areas that are working well, it’s easier to muster the courage, energy and hope to carry on. This could lead to a more satisfying life for ourselves and for everyone around us.
It’s helpful to remember that winter can bring crisp sunny days, glittering snowy fields, fresh breezes and fun with friends. Even winter is not all grey and dreary. Plus, it comes with the hope of a new spring!
What do you focus on?

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