Tag Archives: guilt

Reality Check: The Things People Say

Everybody’s heard about Treena’s embarrassing situation. At least, that’s her perception. Her boss, neighbours, relatives, friends, and acquaintances know that she did something bad and was caught. It was even in the paper, ensuring that every single person knows it. … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Telling It Like It Is

Do you find it difficult to talk about things that are really important? It’s easier to talk about the trivial, especially when we agree. We commiserate about the weather and the price of gas. We share our delight about the … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Barriers to Happiness

To start this New Year, I’m choosing to focus on happiness. For some time now, I’ve been interested in the question of why some people are happy while others are not. As I’ve studied this question, I’ve found books, articles, … Continue reading

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Reality Check: The Time Trap

There exists a near-universal excuse to get out of most any activity. It goes like this: “Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t have enough time to do that.” Have you ever used this excuse? I have. So many people feel time-stressed … Continue reading

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Reality Check: To Choose or Not to Choose?

In recent public service ads, a teenager says something like, “My parents didn’t tell me that driving while high was a bad idea, so it must be ok.” One logical response is, “If your parents didn’t tell you it’s a … Continue reading

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Reality Check: “Should” versus “Could”

One little word sometimes makes a world of difference, doesn’t it? Some are obvious contrasts: “I love you” versus “I hate you;” or “I don’t care” versus “I do care.” However, other small changes are not so obvious, yet have … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Comfort, Joy, and Food

There’s a reason why some foods are called “comfort food.” Like fuzzy socks or fleecy blankets, some foods evoke feelings of being safe, cared for, and satisfied. Whether your comfort food of choice is homemade bread, stew, or chicken pot … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Lots on your Plate?

Busy, busy, busy. Ask most anyone how they are doing and you’ll often hear, “I’m so busy!” What are some potential consequences of that busy-ness? Harriet cares for a very sick child, looks after an elderly aunt, and has a … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Own It!

Have you heard any white lies lately? Maybe even told one or two of your own? We sometimes tell tiny falsehoods to avoid hurt feelings; fibs intended to be virtuous, not evil. However, just because we have positive intent with … Continue reading

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Reality Check: Lessons from First Aid

Whenever I have the good fortune to participate in training, I try to figure out whether the skills I’m learning can be more broadly applied. In first aid, for example, there’s the principle of protecting your own safety. Don’t put … Continue reading

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